Mirabeau Gin 700ml

Mirabeau Gin 700ml

At its core, Mirabeau Rosé Gin is a classic Dry Gin. Mirabeau has used a 100% neutral grape based spirit which adds roundness and a delicate fruity palate. Adding some Mirabeau Classic Rosé gives a luxurious texture to the finished denim. Lemons and coriander add layers of fresh citrus character. Orris and Angelica roots impart floral and earthy tones respectively. Rose petals, lavender and jasmine are used sparingly to bring floral variety. Finally, Bay, Thyme and Rosemary add a perfectly balanced herbaceous character to the blend.


Alcohol by volume : 43%

Producer : Mirabeau

Quantity : 700ml

Origin : France

Salesprice with discount
54,90 €
Available in store / Delivery 1 to 3 days

